Poppins Bush School
June 5, 2024
June Newsletter 2024

Welcome to the June addition of our monthly Newsletter! We are all looking forward to another wonderful month here at Bush school. May was a very busy month. We had many excursions including our Preschool 1 children had their first excursion to the Marsupial Park to meet all the animals and having some Morning tea before taking a quick trip to explore the adventure playground in the park. Our Preschool 2 children changed their day for visiting Nazareth House from the Monday to the Thursday. It was wonderful for our Thursday child to meet the friends at Nazareth house. We will be swapping day throughout the year so that all of our children get a chance to meet our friends at Nazareth. We also celebrated Mother’s Day with the children having a great time making a Mother’s Day gift from key rings to pot plants to jams. This month we will be having the Tamworth Fire Station coming to the centre on Monday the 24th of June 2024 to do a fire safety talk and allow the children to get up close with a fire engine. Miss Mary has made some new steel tabletops for the firepits to replace the timber ones in the yarning circles. They look fabulous and worth popping up to have a look.

Preschool 1 Marsupial Park Excursion -

What a fantastic time we had up at the marsupial park, if you haven’t heard already, we had morning tea up there with a huge, big kangaroo lazing about in the sun only metres away from us! We went and unintentionally disturbed all the wallabies and kangaroos and watched them take off bouncing away from us. We found the beautiful peacock and watched three huge emus getting fed “it taller than me!’ one of the children said. “They eat carrots like me” said another seeing what was in their feed bowl. We then moved onto visit the bird aviary where we watched the ducks, one of which even pecked a friend’s hat from the railing, which was funny to see. We watched Peach Faces and listened to the pigeons; we even felt a Rainbow Lorikeet fly over the top of us! We said hello to the talking Cocky and we heard him say “Hello” and “What do you know?” back to us. We then visited the Adventure Playground the children could be seen, spinning, sliding, swinging, and running over the playground. They took turns on the flying fox, played in the shop area, balanced on the wooden logs and did a spot of rock climbing before making beautiful music with the wind chimes. This excursion really tested the child’s listening skills and gave them a sense of confidence.

When asked what their favourite animal was, some of the reply’s where “The peacock”, “the big kangaroo” and the “the ducks”, I think it is safe to say, we all had a great time!

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