Upcoming events – August sees us celebrating Children’s Book Council of Australia’s Book Week 2022. Book Week is a chance to celebrate authors and illustrators and their works. At Bush School we have many of the shortlisted books for 2022 and will look at these over the coming weeks with the children. The theme for this year’s Book Week is “Dreaming with Eyes Open”. During Book Week we also love to take the opportunity to dress up as our favourite book characters. The team at Poppins will be dressing up in character on Wednesday 24th August, however we encourage children to dress up on any day that they attend Poppins as we want to ensure everyone is able to enjoy this truly magical week. We look forward to seeing the wonderful costumes of the entire Bush School community next week!
Toys and Children’s Belongings
We appreciate that nothing is more frustrating for you to unpack your child’s bag at home and find that their jumper or hat is missing. Please be assured that Educators in your child’s room do their very best to ensure that each child leaves at the end of the day with all their belongings.
To provide us with the best chance in ensuring that the right item goes into the right bag, please label your child’s clothes with their full name. To avoid confusion, please don’t use a sibling’s name or simply your surname.
There are times when items will end up in lost property. Pleasenote that it is the parent’s responsibility to check the lost property area. Wealso ask that parents encourage their child to learn to look after theirbelongings, which is a great skill to develop before moving into primaryschool. Please understand that if an item has gone missing, we will do ourutmost to find this item.
One of the most distressing items to go missing is a toy fromhome. If a special toy is brought to the Service for a particular purpose, weask that the toy is given to an educator to reduce the prospect of thisbecoming lost or broken. Each day, we provide a wide variety of books, gamesand toys for children to engage children and play with. Not only does thiseliminate the heartbreak if a toy is lost or broken but reduces any problemsregarding sharing a special item.
Thank you for your understanding regarding this matter.