Welcome to the April addition of our monthly Newsletter! We are all looking forward to another wonderful month here at Bush school with the weather cooling down and daylight savings coming to an end. This month we have seen our chickens return from their holidays! The Prep children are doing a wonderful job ensuring they have food and water and are tucked away in their coop at night. - We have had some of our children transition to the older rooms and they are all very proud to be exploring the rooms and forming new friendships with their peers. This month we will be running fire drills to ensure the children feel confident when participating in the procedure.
Story telling around the fire
With the cooler weather upon us we are all very excited to start using our fire pit! All rooms will soon begin having fire safety talks this month before progressing to lighting, cooking on and sitting around our firepit.
The fire pit is a great way for the children to come together as a team. It also promotes community participation in the centre as the children and educators share their experience and knowledge with one another, by sharing stories around the camp fire.